Amazon Online Stores Sales

Amazon defines this as:

Includes product sales and digital media content where we record revenue gross. We leverage our retail infrastructure to offer a wide selection of consumable and durable goods that includes electronics and general merchandise as well as media products available in both a physical and digital format, such as books, music, video, games, and software. These product sales include digital products sold on a transactional basis; digital product subscriptions that provide unlimited viewing or usage rights are included in Retail subscription services.

2014: $68.513 billion, 2015: $76.863 billion, 2016: $91.431 billion.

Last reported quarter 2024 Q4 it was $75.56 billion, up by 7% year-over-year from $70.54 billion. From $231.87 billion in 2023 it increased by 7% to $247.03 billion in 2024.

Amazon Online Stores Sales 2015-2024

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